The Great Pacific Garbage Cluster! MOTIONLESS – The Film


Did you know about the three garbage clusters in the Pacific,  each of them  a size of Texas? -it’s a question you can hear in Motionless, the film of Cold Collaborative. This and more terrifying facts are  presented for us by two fly fishermen. Two  friends who have a common  passion – fly fishing and one big dream – cleaner waters full of fishes for next generations. They are sending for us a message of hope . We can’t change the past, but we definitely can have a brighter future. The Great Pacific Garbage Cluster – if these words scare you, if you want to be a part of brighter future, please watch this film. Guys, Lets make some choises. We all together can doit!

From the filmmakers:

Great Pacific Garbage Cluster! WE NEED YOUR HELP!

The issue of pollution surrounding the Pacific is a symptom of our lifestyle as a general population. For the sake of our future sustainability, we need to address the problem on multiple fronts. Cold Collaborative is partnering with multiple sponsors to make a film not only highlighting the source of plastic contamination, but also the toxic trail it leaves as it makes it way through our food chain, and eventually onto your dining room table.

More incredible videos you can find here.

Stay tuned!