Revolution Starts from YOU and ME! Patagonia Unbroken Ground


It’s a great privilege to present and share with you, Guys, this unforgettable, mind blowing movie. It tells a story, that must to be told loud, clear and worldwide. Patagonia  Unbroken ground takes a closer look into environmental crises and what is being done to stop it. It’s one of those movies that opens minds, warms hearts and gives an enormous amount of inspiration.  And believe me, a lot of things are being done in order to solve the environmental issues. if we want to eat healthy food – fish, bread, meat etc., thirst of all we have to produce it in sustainable way. And we definitely have to start making decisions right now. Like all these significant changes are being done for decades by these extraordinary, passionate, open minded people – heroes of this movie -including the founder of Patagonia Mr. Yvon Chouinard. Just watch this movie, Guys, and contribute to its ideas. By spreading the new. By making your decisions in every days life. The revolution starts from us! It’s just about time to begin it!

From the filmmakers:

Unbroken Ground explains the critical role food will play in the next frontier of our efforts to solve the environmental crisis. It explores four areas of agriculture that aim to change our relationship to the land and oceans. Most of our food is produced using methods that reduce biodiversity, decimate soil and contribute to climate change. We believe our food can and should be a part of the solution to the environmental crisis – grown, harvested and produced in ways that restore our land, water and wildlife. The film tells the story of four groups that are pioneers in the fields of regenerative agriculture, regenerative grazing, diversified crop development and restorative fishing.

Stay tuned!