Rescue Operation – Lava Island Fish Rescue 2016


Excellent video, Guys, encouraging and very beautiful. And what is most important – it sends for us an important message.  When we don’t use nature resorses wisely – really bad things begin to happen. Story of  Lava Island on the Deschutes River is just one of many examples showing what happens than rive’s flow can’t run free in it’s natural way.  Luckily this video from Buster Tronolone is a story optimizm. A story of a hope. A story of a great comminity who united to help fishes of river Deschutes River. So we are inviting you, Guys, to take a glimpses into extraordinary Rescue Operation

From the filmmakers:

Every year about October the river flow gets shut almost off. The river gets turned down to 100cfs to conserve water for next year. In places like Lava Island on the Deschutes River fish get trapped in the pools and die off. This flow change is equal to a ten year drought and ten year flood every year. This is an example of how Lava Island flow dries out.

Coalition for the Deschutes is where to find more info and how to help. Thanks for watching

Stay tuned!