Eel River Rebirth- Return to Abundance-History of the Eel


A story from California Trout of how and why nature protection is so important. Unwisely devastated giant rosewoods. Stopped river flow. Destroyed populations of steelheads and salmons…  Eel river suffered as it is said in this video – “death of the thousand cuts”. Never let the same things to happen again! However it’s the story of hope. A story of Eel River Rebirth. We believe that combination of wise and sustainable point of view to the nature and science based researches will let Eel river to flourish once again.

For more information:

Eel River Rebirth

From the filmmakers:

Headwaters-to-Sea Approach to Bringing Back Stronghold

At over 3,600 sq. miles, the Eel River watershed is the third largest watershed entirely in California. While the majority of the watershed is privately owned and managed for timber production, and cattle and dairy ranching, the area also includes several state parks, wilderness areas, and national forests.

Historically, the Eel River was a major salmon and steelhead producer with runs estimated to exceed a million adults (~800,000 chinook, ~100,000 coho, ~150,000 steelhead) in good years.

Click here to watch our short film, Return to Abundance, about our plan to restore the Eel River.


Eel River Rebirth

Stay tuned!